Increases Company Reputation
Recognition by IT management for professional achievement
Competency resources to IT staff
Helpful for Marketing with the clients
Increased Confidence in Personal Capabilities
Improved Software Testing Methods, Techniques, and Measurement
Certification gives you a competitive edge for promotion and hiring.
Raises profile of testing in an organization
Able to detect defects those others miss and save your employers and clients from costly and embarrassing field failures.
Knows how to apply sound software testing techniques
Reduced development costs
Increased customer trust and confidence
We understood the software life cycle
Quality of the defect has been increase
Understood the testing terminology
Increase the standard for defect post
Started thinking out of the box
Testing based on the risk factors
We started concentrating on usability
Started conducting meeting and reviews
Soft skills (e.g. handling the development team)
Updated the process/frame work
Increase the type of testing. (e.g. compatibility)